Jennie J Phillips (1880-1970) Towner North Dakota

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Jennie J Phillips (1880-1970) Towner North Dakota

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence

11.1.1880 - 12.1970


Jennie J Phillips 11.1.1880 -12.1970. Towner North Dakota, sögð í Census 1910 fædd í Danmörku, en sumstaðar var Ísland skráð þannig. Meadow, McHenry, North Dakota, 1910 og Mouse River, McHenry, North Dakota 1930. Towner City, McHenry, North Dakota 1950, þá sögð fædd á Írlandi, sem oft er ruglað við Ísland.


sögð í Census 1910 fædd í Danmörku, en sumstaðar var Ísland skráð þannig. Meadow, McHenry, North Dakota, 1910 og Mouse River, McHenry, North Dakota 1930. Towner City, McHenry, North Dakota 1950, þá sögð fædd á Írlandi, sem oft er ruglað við Ísland.

Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

Foreldrar John V Sigurðsson 1835. Meadow, McHenry, North Dakota, United States 1925

Maður hennar: John J Phillips 1879

Ættleiddur sonur;
1) Sigurður W Phillips f 1907 í N-Dakota, kona hans; Joyce L Phillips 1906,
börn þeirra;
1) Joy [Jospeline] Ellaine Philipps 1924, börn þeirra; Elaine Phillips 1945 og John Phillips 1946
2) Willfred John Phillips 27.11.1927 - 16.9.2008. Ramsey, Minnesota, United States

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Subject access points

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier


Rules and/or conventions used

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Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

GPJ skráning 22.10.2022




®GPJ ættfræði 22.10.2022

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