Gisle Johnson (1876-1946)

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Gisle Johnson (1876-1946)

Parallel form(s) of name

  • Gisle Carl Torsten Johnson (1876-1946)
  • Gisle Carl Torsten Johnson

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence

1876 -1946


Sra Gísli í Budapest missti föður sinn ungur, en ólst upp hjá móður sinni, er var sænsk og hjet Charlotha Dahlgreen. Hann tók guðfræðispróf i Osló árið 1902, dvaldi svo við þýska og enska háskóla til frekari undirbúnings undir æfistarf sitt og fór síðan á vegum norsks Gyðingatrúboðsfjelags til Rúmeníu. Þar var hann í 19 ár, en fluttist fyrir 6 árum til Budapest. Hann er tungumálamaður meiri en alment gerist, les 12—15 tungumál og talar þau flest, t. d. öll Balkanmálin. Hann prjedikar á frönsku einu sinni í mánuði í lítilli kirkju, sem sambyggð er við prestsetur hans í Budapest og hefir auk þess stóran söfnuð „Kristtrúar Gyðinga" í borginni. Á þýsku er sá óskýrði „söfnuður" kallaður „Verein Christusglaubiger Juden".
Sra Gísli bjó með móður sinni mörg ár. Hún andaðist eitt ófriðarárið, er Þjóðverjar sátu um Galatz, hafði borðað fisk úr Dóná, sem eitraður var orðinn.


Noregur; Budapest:

Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Sra Gísli í Budapest missti föður sinn ungur, en ólst upp hjá móður sinni, er var sænsk og hjet Charlotha Dahlgreen. Hann tók guðfræðispróf i Osló árið 1902, dvaldi svo við þýska og enska háskóla til frekari undirbúnings undir æfistarf sitt og fór síðan á vegum norsks Gyðingatrúboðsfjelags til Rúmeníu. Þar var hann í 19 ár, en fluttist fyrir 6 árum til Budapest. Hann er tungumálamaður meiri en alment gerist, les 12—15 tungumál og talar þau flest, t. d. öll Balkanmálin. Hann prjedikar á frönsku einu sinni í mánuði í lítilli kirkju, sem sambyggð er við prestsetur hans í Budapest og hefir auk þess stóran söfnuð „Kristtrúar Gyðinga" í borginni. Á þýsku er sá óskýrði „söfnuður" kallaður „Verein Christusglaubiger Juden".
Hann hefir skrifað yfir 30 rit á þýsku, ætluð mentuðum Gyðingum, sem öll bera vitni um frábærar gáfur hans, trúaralvöru og séerkennileik. Hann er hinn mesti vinur íslands og minnist oft á, að þar er land forfeðra hans. Þótti honum meira en lítið vænt um heimsókn okkar Íslendinganna.

Mandates/sources of authority
Verk eftir Gísla
Nogle Ord om Barnedaaben, 1857
red. Theologisk Tidsskrift for Den evangelisk-lutherske Kirke i Norge 1859–91
overs. Konkordiebogen eller den evangelisk-lutherske Kirkes Bekjendelsesskrifter (sm.m. C. P. Caspari), 1861–66 (og senere opplag)
red. Luthersk Kirketidende 1863–75
red. Gammelt og Nyt, et Tidsskrift til Oplysning og Opbyggelse for lutherske Christne 1864–71
Grundrids af den systematiske Theologi, til Brug ved Forelæsninger, 1879–81 (og senere opplag)
overs. Dr. Martin Luthers store Katechismus (sm.m. C. P. Caspari), 1881 (og senere opplag)
Til Christendommens Venner i vort Land, 1883
Forelæsninger over Dogmehistorien, (posthumt) 1897
Forelæsninger over den kristelige Ethik, (posthumt) 1898

Internal structures/genealogy

Sra Gisli er 4. maður i beinan karllegg frá Gísla Jónssyni, er fór utan til guðfræðináms árið 1782 og gerðist síðan prestur í Noregi, en kom aldrei til Islands aftur, þótt honum væri boðinn Hólastóll eftir andlát Sigurðar Stefánssonar Hólabiskups, 1798.
Faðir Gísla þessa var; Jón Jakobsson 11. febrúar 1738 - 22. maí 1808 Sýslumaður á Espihóli, Hrafnagilssókn, Eyj. 1801. Fékk ekki að giftast Rósu þar sem hún eignaðist barn með föðurbróður Jóns. i, en móðir hans var Rósa Halldórsdóttir 1734 - 21. apríl 1803 Húsfreyja á Vörðufelli í Breiðabólstaðarsókn á Skógarströnd, Snæf. 1801, dóttir Halldórs prests á Staðarhrauni Sigurðssonar. Er merk embættismanna ætt og fjölmenn í Noregi komin út af þessum sra Gísla.
Eru nafnkunnastir sonarsonur hans, Gísli Johnson guðfræðiprófessor í Osló (d. 1894) og bróðursonur þess Gisla: Jóhannes Johnson, kristniboði á Madagaskar og góðkunnur rithöfundur meðal Norðmanna (d.1920).

Foreldre: Sivilingeniør, senere kopist Carl Martin Theodor Johnson (1826–93) og Marie Charlotte Dahlgren (1839–1918).
Gift 1.12.1922 med Martha Maria Jankö (f. 27.5.1893), datter av prest Daniel Jankö (1837–1916) og Etelka Vazarik (f. 1852). Brorsønn av Gisle Christian Johnson (1822–94); fetter av Johannes Johnson (1864–1916).
1) Guðrún Espolín.
Er Espólínsnafnið enn algent i ætt hans í Noregi, en vakti hina mestu undrun meðal móðurfrænda litlu stúlkunnar i Ungverjalandi.

General context

Gisle Johnson (1876-1946)
How is Jewish mission or Jewish Evangelism put on the Hungarian agenda? As we have heard and learned from the Scots and the Norwegians: By av “accident”, some will say bay coincidence. For us who believe in God’s guidance, we trust that this was not a coincidence, even if the third example is fitting into the same pattern.
Gisle Johnson was employed by the Norwegian mission in 1901 and two years later sent to Romania. He stayed there under very difficult circumstances and working conditions during the first world war, and was completely burned out afterwards. Johnson needed a sick leave for almost half a year which he spent in France. On his return to Romania he was asked to make a stop in Budapest to look into options for continuing a mission work after 20 years without Norwegian presence. The reason was a letter from the Jewish Christian lawyer Guyla Fleischer in which he asked for a person that can take over the position of Ragnvald Gjessing.
With support from the Lutheran bishop Sándor Raffay Johnson decided to stay in Budapest – a city he should serve in for 24 years – until his death. Gisle Johnson was the first Norwegian missionary who committed his whole life to Jewish ministry.
In Budapest Johnson became the priest for a French and a German congregation, and many Jews came to listen to him. A circle of Jewish believers in Jesus gathered around Johnson and after one year he bought a house in Pest as a centre for this new ministry.
Johnson was a skilled man and was therefore often asked to give lectures on different topics, especially on religious and philosophical topics. He also ended up as an associate professor in Nordic literature at the University of Budapest. Through all this kind of non-mission activities he came into contact with a lot of Jews and frequently visited many Jewish homes.
The new centre in Gyarmat utca became a vital tool for the mission. Johnson invited to weekly Bile studies and lectures, and both believing and non-believing Jews came to listen to him. The topic for the Bible teachings was on central Christian dogmas. The first to lectures were teaching of John 3,16. If we look into Johnson diary, we can see that he was an extremely busy man with a lot of appointments and lectures.
For Johnson it was also important to organize the work. He therefore took the initiative to gather some of the well-educated Jewish believers (among them three lawyers) and founded the first Jewish Christian Society (Agudath Ma’aminim) on the eve of Passover 1922. The aim of this society was to strengthen the faith and fellowship among Jewish believers in Jesus through regular prayer meetings, bible studies and fellowship. From Johnson’s diary we see 7-8 names of Jewish believers frequently mentioned as part of this society. From other sources we hear that a much larger number came to faith through Johnson’s ministry.
New members were added to the group, one of the disciple of Rabinowitz, Robert Feinsilber, who did an extremely valuable diaconal ministry among the poor and needy by handling out soup and clothes. He was supported by the Hebrew Christian Testimony in London.
Gisle Johnson married a Hungarian lady who is buried in Norway. Gisle Johnson himself died at service and is buried in Budapest 1946). A personal conversation with his Hungarian friend Kádár on his deathbed has been known to us:
One thing you have to learn: You should not approach Jews without loving them. If you do not love them, keep away so that you do not dirty the name of Jesus by your hypocrisy. Jesus loved the Jews so deeply that he died for them. Maybe even I will die for them in a way. I could have returned to Norway instead of staying here through the war, through the fights. But I loved them ....
60 years later we are gathered in Hungary. Do we love the Jews so much that we will commit our lives in serving and sharing the Gospel with them.
We are not here by an accidence or coincidence. We are here to renew our calling and to continue the ministry our forefathers started until the day we can see all Israel saved.
Rolf G. Heitmann

Relationships area

Related entity

Björg Jónsdóttir (1844-1924) Hofi (29.8.1844 - 20.2.1924)

Identifier of related entity


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Dates of relationship

Description of relationship

Gisle Gyðingaprestur var góðvinur Halldóru dóttur Bjargar

Related entity

Arthur Charles Gook (1883-1959) (11.6.883 - 18.6.1959)

Identifier of related entity


Category of relationship


Type of relationship

Arthur Charles Gook (1883-1959)

is the friend of

Gisle Johnson (1876-1946)

Dates of relationship

Description of relationship

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Dates of creation, revision and deletion

GPJ 25.6.2018


  • Icelandic



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Ævisaga Halldóru Bjarnadóttur bls. 76.

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